Reconstruct the poem by dragging each line into its correct position. Your goal is to reassemble the original poem as accurately as possible. As you move the lines, you'll see whether your arrangement is correct, helping you explore the poem's flow and meaning. Take your time, enjoy the process, and discover how the poet's words come together to create something truly beautiful.
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quam divinitas exspiravit sine vinculo peccati.
Et sic indumenta ipsius a maximo dolore abstersa sunt.
quae educta est de Adam.
O quam magna est benignitas Salvatoris,
O vis eternitatis, quae omnia ordinasti in corde tuo,
Et sic indumenta ipsius a maximo dolore abstersa sunt.
et ipsum Verbum tuum induit carnem in formatione illa
qui omnia liberavit per incarnationem suam,
per Verbum tuum omnia creata sunt sicut voluisti,
Et sic indumenta ipsius a maximo dolore abstersa sunt.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.
O vis eternitatis, quae omnia ordinasti in corde tuo, per Verbum tuum omnia creata sunt sicut voluisti, et ipsum Verbum tuum induit carnem in formatione illa quae educta est de Adam.
Et sic indumenta ipsius a maximo dolore abstersa sunt.
O quam magna est benignitas Salvatoris, qui omnia liberavit per incarnationem suam, quam divinitas exspiravit sine vinculo peccati.
Et sic indumenta ipsius a maximo dolore abstersa sunt.
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.
Et sic indumenta ipsius a maximo dolore abstersa sunt.
O power of eternity, You who ordered all things in your heart: By your Word, all things were created According to your will, And that Word clothed itself in flesh, In the form that was drawn from Adam.
Thus, the garments of this Word Were cleansed from the greatest sorrow.
O how great is the kindness of the Saviour, Who freed all through His incarnation, Which divinity breathed forth Without the bond of sin.
Thus, the garments of this Word Were cleansed from the greatest sorrow.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Thus, the garments of this Word Were cleansed from the greatest sorrow.
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