Reconstruct the poem by dragging each line into its correct position. Your goal is to reassemble the original poem as accurately as possible. As you move the lines, you'll see whether your arrangement is correct, helping you explore the poem's flow and meaning. Take your time, enjoy the process, and discover how the poet's words come together to create something truly beautiful.
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밤새도록 노닐다가
빼앗아 가신다면
들어가 잠을 보니
노여움이 없어라.
둘은 내 것인데
다리가 넷이로다.
원래 내 것인데
둘은 뉘 것인가?
서울 밝은 달밤에
서울 밝은 달밤에 밤새도록 노닐다가 들어가 잠을 보니 다리가 넷이로다. 둘은 내 것인데 둘은 뉘 것인가? 원래 내 것인데 빼앗아 가신다면 노여움이 없어라.
In the bright moonlight of Seoul, I wandered all night long. Returning home to sleep, I found four legs in my bed. Two are mine, but whose are the other two? They were once mine, but if they’ve been taken away, I shall harbor no anger.
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